Sustainable SEO, how to farm organic hashtags …

Serving junk food for tea sometime happens. It’s ok as long as you don’t do it on a regular basis. The same is easily said of social media content. Sometimes it will be a dry month and you’ll have to serve up a spinning cat; but if you do this too often you will be viewed as a very low rent burger bar. If you have a decent strategy and an eye on who you want to attract it is much more manageable.

To increase social media traffic it is often helpful to overview your content. Organic reach is possible but only if your content is en-point, interesting & engaging. Organic reach is a slog, you may feel it is “free” to grown your business organically, but organic growing is tough, you have to hand pull out a lot of weeds, time is money.

Looking at the bigger picture is important, once you understand what your audience is interested in you edit it down to where you comfortably sit.

Content planning really is critical when it comes to SEO. Google eats content for breakfast and it is a hungry beast that is a picky eater. The good stuff it will tell all its mates about, whereas the junk it will just toss in the bin.

You want your content to be a nourishing Google feast. Not junk food.

Great content, like a great meal, needs planning. If you do it well, you will have a happy evening and a load of satisfied guests. Start by working out what said guests like to eat, what kind of socks they wear and where they get their coffee from. Once you’ve got a picture of what they’re like you can start developing some sustainable and successful campaigns.

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Sarah Hatherill

Well Street is run by designer Sarah Hatherill. She works as part of your marketing teams, developing your business and growing your sales.

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